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This Is Me... <
Guess how many people love me!

03.15.2006 - 2:30 a.m.

Wow, I haven't even thought about this for almost a year. It is so odd, yet so fun reading all the old entries. My life has been through major changes since the time that I started this diary, and now.

Unfortunately right now in my life, my story isn't really that interesting. I'm single, I go to school, and I work and that's about all I do right now. Which, don't get me wrong, is good, but sometimes it is boring and lonely. Although being single is ok with me right now I still sometimes feel like there is a part of me missing.

I work at the mall by my house. My store sits across from Barnes & Noble Bookstore. There is a guy that works there that I have a big crush on. Everytime he is working the registers at the front of the store by the window I just watch him. I know, doesn't it sound stalkerish. Of course I know absolutely nothing about him, but everyday my friend Rebecca walks in through Barnes & Noble and he smiles at her, and I give her the evil eye! It's fun though, it's like one of those high school crushes, you know you'll never have him, but it's fun to look. It's just tiding me over until a real man comes along!

� � � � �

Two Steps Forward - Three Steps Back

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You are Xianghua - You're used to people telling you that you're cute because you simply are! Your love for beauty and all things social makes you a positive force amongst any group of people. Although you may seem delicate and fanciful on the outside, you're a lot stronger than people think you are. Purity, inner strength, and a sense of aesthetics is what makes you Xianghua.

Which Soul Calibur character are you?
this quiz was made by david park